
My Relationship With Technology --- Final Blog Post

 My Relationship With Technology                         I feel my relationship with technology while somewhat addictive is necessary.  We use technology for every facet of life, communication, work, and play.  One aspect I enjoy the most is that I can make a phone call and FaceTime my family that live in other parts of the country, it definitely makes us feel closer. While I do spend a lot of time on my phone and laptop, I do try to take a break from social media from time to time.  There are times when I just don't want to be bothered with text messages, emails, etc. And I will just close my phone down for a few hours.  It feels good to recharge and take a break from time to time.  My mom and dad have encouraged this as well.  As a family we are not allowed to have devices at the dinner table, although sometimes my dad needs to answer his phone because he is a surgeon.  Going forward I feel technology is only going to be more dominant in our everyday lives, but it is important li

Privacy Blog #10

 Privacy                    Privacy and data on the internet is another complex situation. On a daily basis we provide our information willing to the internet and hope that it will not be used against u s.  We post pictures on  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, we use our credit cards to make purchases.  These can all be positive.  These tools allow us to stay connected to friends and family across the world.  It provides a connection to them that we didn't have before.  It can also be used against us.  We hear on the news how our data has been breached by companies who were hacked.  This is a huge inconvenience  for the consumer, sometimes we have to close accounts or get new credit cards.  There are people who do this as a job, they prey on people.  My cousin just had her privacy violated by a hacker.  She was approached by a company on Instagram to become an influencer, the company sent her a check.  When she received the check she cashed it.  Later that day she went to take out mon

In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

 The Age job Artificial Intelligence                Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the ability of a computer program to learn and think.  Everything can be construed as AI if the computer or program does something that normally would really on the intelligence of an actual human being. There are advantages to AI such as the reduction of human error.  Also the risk involved of a machine doing something that a human would normally do  like defuse a bomb.  Defusing a bomb via  AI could potentially save someone's life. Computers are also available 24 hours 7 days a week where as humans need to sleep.  Computers are also able to perform repetitive jobs without injury.  As humans we can be injured from constant repetitive motions. A computer also can provide Digital Assistance, such as routing a call to the correct phone number, this can improve a Company's customer service satisfaction.  These are some of the positives, there are also negatives.  These AI devices can come

Diffusion Of Innovations Blog#8

 Diffusion of Innovations              I found this to be an interesting theory.  Why do some people adopt new ideas and technology and some do not.  Is the new really better than the old.  Is the new faster and easier, better? Or are people just used to the old and set in their ways.  I myself have seen examples of this in my own life.  I went to a Junior Boarding School, Cardigan Mountain School for eight through ninth grade.  While at school we were unable to access any social media.  When we came to school we had to turn in our phones, and any other devices that had wifi in to the office.  We were all given an Apple lap top computer to use. The lap tops had a program on it where the school could see what we were doing, they limited our use of free internet to two hours a day, and we were unable to access social media websites.  At the time non of us liked this, however it did force us to go outside and play during our free hours.  I know that if I was at home during this time I wou

Main Stream News-Anti War #6

                      Obscure News Media                    My  opinion of why you have to seek out obscure anti war websites is that the mainstream media is biased.  The bias of the main stream media was clearly apparent during the Presidential Election of 2020.  Anyone could see from reading, or watching just a blip of the news which way the bias leaned towards.  Fox News clearly favored Trump, while pretty much every other news source ABD, CBS, and NBC favored Biden.  When it comes to war I am not sure where the truth actually lies.  From reading the websites suggested in the Syllabus on Anti War, there seem to be some credible authors on the website. on The American Conservative Website, author Doug Bandow was a former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan.  Most people look at Ronald Reagan as a good President.  My grandfather looks back on "The Reagan Years" as he says they were very good to him as he was employed as a draftsman at Grumann Aerospace Corporation.

All About Me

       My name is Jared Mines, I currently reside in a town called Snellville, which is a suburb of Atlanta, GA.  Our town slogan is "Snellville, Where Everybody is Somebody".  Although, I live in Georgia I usually say that I am from NY.  I was born there and we moved when I was five.  I have two brothers, one older one younger. I love to go and visit NYC it is one of my favorite places on earth.  My Aunt still lives there so I am lucky enough to have a place to stay when I visit.  I have a service dog named Thunder.  I was diagnosed with Asperger's at a young age and he helps me.  I enjoy sports and have played hockey and lacrosse for many years.  My passion is cars.  I love all different types of cars, from the classic restored ones to new ones.  When I am home I enjoy going to car shows with my dad and watching car shows on TV.  My goal after graduating from High Point University is to work for one of the European car companies, such as Porsche or Audi.

EOTO 2 Main Stream Media Blog #9

Main Stream Media and Covid-19 by Jared Mines Covid-19 is Real                  How does the news scare people? Millions across the world during covid are being pushed to vaccinate by the science and mainstream media which believe that all should get vaccinated and the dangers of covid and of the lies being so called unmasked about covid on social media platforms claiming it dangerous and it okay to be unmasked if your not vaccinated which science proves is untrue and that you put others at risk.           News articles like this one  from the Scientific American show the most popular covid-19 myths and why they are false, Or this one which was posted on a bus stop in the uk to warn of the dangers of covid-19. This ad shows a man dying with a breathing respirator on fighting for his life in an emergency room showing the very certain reality for some affected with covid with prior existing conditions.               Most are still going around unmasked and with no real way too prove who