Privacy Blog #10


                Privacy and data on the internet is another complex situation. On a daily basis we provide our information willing to the internet and hope that it will not be used against u
s.  We post pictures on 
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, we use our credit cards to make purchases.  These can all be positive.  These tools allow us to stay connected to friends and family across the world.  It provides a connection to them that we didn't have before.  It can also be used against us.  We hear on the news how our data has been breached by companies who were hacked.  This is a huge inconvenience  for the consumer, sometimes we have to close accounts or get new credit cards.  There are people who do this as a job, they prey on people.  My cousin just had her privacy violated by a hacker.  She was approached by a company on Instagram to become an influencer, the company sent her a check.  When she received the check she cashed it.  Later that day she went to take out money at the ATM for lunch with some girlfriends and her account had no money it.  She had her money stolen from her via the Company who sent her the check.  This has become a tremendous problem, as Citibank then closed her account because the Fraud Department is investing.  So she has no money and no bank account.  This is very scary. We put ourselves out on the internet for the purpose of good but sometimes it leads to evil if you are not cautious.


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