Main Stream News-Anti War #6

                  Obscure News Media

                My opinion of why you have to seek out obscure anti war websites is that the mainstream media is biased.  The bias of the main stream media was clearly apparent during the Presidential Election of 2020.  Anyone could see from reading, or watching just a blip of the news which way the bias leaned towards.  Fox News clearly favored Trump, while pretty much every other news source ABD, CBS, and NBC favored Biden.  When it comes to war I am not sure where the truth actually lies.  From reading the websites suggested in the Syllabus on Anti War, there seem to be some credible authors on the website. on The American Conservative Website, author Doug Bandow was a former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan.  Most people look at Ronald Reagan as a good President.  My grandfather looks back on "The Reagan Years" as he says they were very good to him as he was employed as a draftsman at Grumann Aerospace Corporation.  I also feel like the government as well as mainstream media only tell you what they want you to know. Like anything else, to get to the truth you have to dig.  I am sure that for every news story there are two sides both biased and then the truth.  This is why as an American citizen I feel like I have to take all the information available into account and form my own opinion.  If it is something I am passionate about or want to know more, I know I can did deeper.  There are always different points of views. Isn't that what makes the United States great?  The ability, although not lately, to agree to disagree and still be civil.  


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