My Relationship With Technology --- Final Blog Post

 My Relationship With Technology

                    I feel my relationship with technology while somewhat addictive is necessary.  We use technology for every facet of life, communication, work, and play.  One aspect I enjoy the most is that I can make a phone call and FaceTime my family that live in other parts of the country, it definitely makes us feel closer. While I do spend a lot of time on my phone and laptop, I do try to take a break from social media from time to time.  There are times when I just don't want to be bothered with text messages, emails, etc. And I will just close my phone down for a few hours.  It feels good to recharge and take a break from time to time.  My mom and dad have encouraged this as well.  As a family we are not allowed to have devices at the dinner table, although sometimes my dad needs to answer his phone because he is a surgeon.  Going forward I feel technology is only going to be more dominant in our everyday lives, but it is important like anything else in life to be aware and every now and then take a break and slow down.


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