EOTO 2 Main Stream Media Blog #9

Main Stream Media and Covid-19

by Jared Mines

Covid-19 is Real 

            How does the news scare people? Millions across the world during covid are being pushed to vaccinate by the science and mainstream media which believe that all should get vaccinated and the dangers of covid and of the lies being so called unmasked about covid on social media platforms claiming it dangerous and it okay to be unmasked if your not vaccinated which science proves is untrue and that you put others at risk.

        News articles like this one from the Scientific American show the most popular covid-19 myths and why they are false, Or this one which was posted on a bus stop in the uk to warn of the dangers of covid-19. This ad shows a man dying with a breathing respirator on fighting for his life in an emergency room showing the very certain reality for some affected with covid with prior existing conditions.

            Most are still going around unmasked and with no real way too prove who ivaccinated or not with people selling fake vaccine cards online it only makes matters worse for those. But the government has enacted its role by pushing everyone too get vaccinated and using multiple forms of media methods such as having famous actors partake in ads regarding dangers of covid from actors telling people to mask up for the time being and until everyone is vaccinated. As well as instagram, Facebook and twitter have all enacted covid-19 fact checkers to check information posted about covid to ensure it is reliable and factual.

            So how does the Main Stream media did scare people away from believing its truths. Essentially the problem lies within social media being late to fact checking and many of those social media influencers who read and believed lies or misinformed the people into staying massless and un vaccinated during times times of a pandemic. People spreading misinformation about masks as well as the improper use of masks only made things worse in the real world. I for one wasn't a fan of the Masks but I wore it regardless to protect those close to me and for those around me. I didn't have an immune system deficiency but for those with one I could only imagine how scary things were many were left without work and in lockdown unable to provide and feed their families. Thankfully the government gave us stimulus checks to keep those afloat who had no way to feed themselves.

            Ultimately its undeniable that covid has caused a tremendous amount of change in our daily lives but the government stopped a modern day bubonic plague and minimized it it to a year long occasion this isn't to say the world hasn't changed tremendously which it has but its might be more prepared for future events to come Now and in the unforeseen, we know we can now produce vaccines in record times so thats a marvel of technology and innovation to come from this pandemic.


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