Diffusion Of Innovations Blog#8

 Diffusion of Innovations

             I found this to be an interesting theory.  Why do some people adopt new ideas and technology and some do not.  Is the new really better than the old.  Is the new faster and easier, better? Or are people just used to the old and set in their ways.  I myself have seen examples of this in my own life.  I went to a Junior Boarding School, Cardigan Mountain School for eight through ninth grade.  While at school we were unable to access any social media.  When we came to school we had to turn in our phones, and any other devices that had wifi in to the office.  We were all given an Apple lap top computer to use. The lap tops had a program on it where the school could see what we were doing, they limited our use of free internet to two hours a day, and we were unable to access social media websites.  At the time non of us liked this, however it did force us to go outside and play during our free hours.  I know that if I was at home during this time I would have probably not gone outside and played with my friends and socialized I probably would have sat in the house and played video games. So this theory is interesting to me, while at Cardigan Mountain we had access to all the latest technology, our use of it was limited.  My dad is a surgeon he is always reading, going to courses, and watching videos on new technology and techniques.  He does talk about how some of the older doctors are stuck in their ways and do not utilize the newest technology available because they don't want to learn and are content with their current practices. He does tell us that one surgery at the hospital he knows  has a robotic surgery device for gynecological procedures.  He says that with the new device it takes twice as long as it would have without the robotic device.  Is this better for the patient? I don't know.  I guess my take from this is that technology can evolve, technology only gets better and as a society we have to adapt.


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