In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence

 The Age job Artificial Intelligence

            Artificial Intelligence can be defined as the ability of a computer program to learn and think.  Everything can be construed as AI if the computer or program does something that normally would really on the intelligence of an actual human being. There are advantages to AI such as the reduction of human error.  Also the risk involved of a machine doing something that a human would normally do  like defuse a bomb.  Defusing a bomb via  AI could potentially save someone's life. Computers are also available 24 hours 7 days a week where as humans need to sleep.  Computers are also able to perform repetitive jobs without injury.  As humans we can be injured from constant repetitive motions. A computer also can provide Digital Assistance, such as routing a call to the correct phone number, this can improve a Company's customer service satisfaction.  These are some of the positives, there are also negatives.  These AI devices can come at a high price tag.  AI also makes human's lazy.  My mom and dad always say college is so much easier today than it was when they went to college. They talk about going to the library, using copy cards to make photo copies, and having to take out books from someone called the "Reference Librarian" who was apparently mean.  For these reasons I believe Artificial Intelligence definitely has its pros and cons, but ultimately AI is here to stay.  Using AI is something that will be prevalent in our society going forward and we all need to adapt just like our ancestors did before us.


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